
Deviant Geek

The Ramblings of a Full-Time Geek



Return of the Data

Fans whir to life and lights begin to flicker in a small room. A desk becomes visible with a single computer screen humming to life. The owner of the room takes a seat at the desk as the computers boot up process begins. A message flashes over the screen:

Welcome back, Data

Continue reading “Return of the Data”


Dear Blogoverse,

I come before you all at this time to inform you that I am leaving. Data Glitch is hereby pulling his presence away from the internet. Continue reading “Farewell”

9th Day of Geekmas

On the ninth day of Geekmas, Data did give to me…

My history with superpowers!

Continue reading “9th Day of Geekmas”

6th Day of Geekmas

On the sixth day of Geekmas, Data did give to me…

An announcement!

Continue reading “6th Day of Geekmas”

The Most Important Treasure

Through a number of events in my personal life, especially some this past week end, it has been increasingly impressed upon me just how amazing and important my family is. Continue reading “The Most Important Treasure”

The Dice of Life

Life is full with a never-ending stream of choices and decisions. Some are inconsequetnial, others the utmost importance. Some we have no problem choosing, others we contemplate for hours. So what happens when our decision is given a time limit? Continue reading “The Dice of Life”

And So the Difficulty Begins

In my defense, inspiration is a cruel mistress. Continue reading “And So the Difficulty Begins”

My Warm Fall Problem

When you think of fall, what do you think of? Continue reading “My Warm Fall Problem”

Sneaky Anniversary

So, I toyed with the idea of participating in #nanopoblano (I swear I didn’t have to look that up…) but with school work being stressful, I almost didn’t post anything today. Than, WordPress decided to let me know something… Continue reading “Sneaky Anniversary”

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