On the second day of Geekmas Glich did give to me… Awesome Lego creations!

Sadly, none of these are mine. I am really not that amazing of a Lego builder. I jump to quickly into adding details pieces and end up having a small interesting looking plate. These sets I will be showing you are anything but interesting plates. They are EPIC builds of expert placement!

*All images will be coming from a random Google search

I am a sucker for Lego spaceships so that is basically what most of these pictures are of. Let us begin!


I really love the somewhat organic shape of this model. The ship curves a bit around the edge and incorporates a lot of circles as well. By using only 3-4 different colors this person has kept the set a lot more professional and clean looking. The whole thing reminds me of something you would see in Star Wars. Awesome build in my opinion.


Are you flipping kidding me?! Look at the size of this thing!
Now, the only way you can really appreciate the size of this model is if you have seen some of the Lego elements (pieces) in real life. If you haven’t, first of all shame on you, second of all I’m sorry but this won’t be quite as impressive to you, but it is to me. The amount of detail and interconnecting sections of the whole thing speaks highly of the long hours the builder spent putting this together. I was blown away when I saw this one.


Mechs are a particular difficult subject to represent with Legos and still have it look decent, trust me, I have tried. I love how many little details was put into this guy. Looking at it you can easily see tubes and hydraulics in the limbs and body. Another bonus is that it is actually standing by itself which is also difficult to do with a mech. Mech builds are usually the most impressive to me.


Another small but detailed build, this speeder is actually a representation of one from the popular game Destiny. Being able to design something based on an outside source is both difficult yet easy. I find it easier to build when using an outside source for inspiration, but it never really ends up looking like the real thing. It’s really great how close to the original this builder was able to stay.


We are delving into the smaller builds now. This ship is more of a pod really. It is small and compact but no less impressive. As mentioned in the builds above (and below) there is a ton of detail in this set. The intricate thrusters and guns adds volumes to the awesomeness of this design.


Our last picture here depicts part of what I usually build. Using pretty much nothing but detail pieces this person was able to design an intricate ship that looks awesome and is very small. My stuff is usually a mix of this and stuff seen above. I try to build the stuff above, but add to many detail blocks and lose connection space I should be using for structure blocks. I love this build just like all the others.

Legos are one of the most amazingly fun toy to play with and the best thing is, they never work the same way. I can take a Lego set apart, but when I try to put it back together it will never be exactly the same (unless I am using instructions). The versatility and creative capabilities of the Lego brick is the very thing that makes it a classic toy that I believe will be around for many more years to come.

That is all for me tonight guys. Comment if you love Legos and what kind of stuff you like to build. Also, if you feel like seeing some of my (lack-luster) creations let me know that too and I might include them in a future blog, but until next time, think about it!

*I do not claim to have built the sets included in this document. I do not know who the actual builders are and I apologize for being unable to give credit where credit is due